How does a Quad Helix work? 

The Quad Helix appliance is placed on the palate (or roof) of your mouth and used to expand the upper arch. The appliance will apply light, continuous forces to slowly expand the arch.


What can I expect?

  • When the appliance is placed you may feel slight pressure on the upper teeth. If you experience any discomfort with this appliance you may choose to take Tylenol or Advil.
  • Speech may be affected slightly by this appliance as it does cover the roof of your mouth. The more that you are able to speak, the faster you will adapt. Reading out loud, singing in the car or talking a lot at home are a few things that will help your speech get back to normal quickly.
  • When the appliance is first placed you may produce extra saliva. As you get used to the appliance this will normalize.

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